Acupuncture is a Chinese medicine approach to healing by inserting fine needles into the skin or muscle on specific body parts. A practitioner uses acupuncture to stimulate over 2,000 acupuncture points, restoring essential life energy to alleviate symptoms of several conditions, including inflammation from arthritis. Some of the issues it targets are neck pain, knee pain, lower back pain, dental pain, headache, pain following surgery, etc.
According to research, there are several ways acupuncture can benefit our bodies. Medical News Today enumerates some, such as stimulating the production of the hormone cortisol, boosting the immune system, regulating blood flow, promoting relaxed muscle tones, aiding in pain management, etc.
As a traditional oriental medicine in Orange County, acupuncture provides relief as it stimulates endorphins and oxytocin. Most acupuncture attests to its benefits in arthritis, such as reduced pain, improved hand and arm strength, better overall health, and improved quality of life. While acupuncture may be beneficial, it’s essential to note that other lifestyle changes could also alleviate arthritis pain, such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, supportive footwear, and others.
Are you looking for an acupuncture clinic in Fullerton, Orange County? HealingGate Acupuncture & Wellness Center is here for you! We offer safe, natural, holistic treatments to address your health concerns. Our Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM) would be a great option for you! TOM is an ancient system of health and wellness that has evolved for thousands of years, and we offer a wide range of TOM treatments and services to improve your health and well-being. Contact us today for more information.
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